De La Soul – Royalty Capes: Track Review


De La Soul are making a comeback or something like that with their upcoming crowdfunded album And the Anonymous Nobody. This idea of crowdfunding albums really interests me, however I wonder if it is only something that could really work with established artists such as De La Soul.

Anyway this track, ‘Royalty Capes’, is from this upcoming album. I saw this and thought I’d talk about it because I’ve had ‘Eye Patch’ from Buhloone Mindstate stuck in my head for the last few days.

This song is nowhere near as catchy as something like ‘Eye Patch’, but I’d be surprised if it was meant to be. It’s still pretty solid, I really enjoy the instrumentation throughout, with the royal trumpets and something that sounds like a harp at times. The production is pretty good too. I can’t really say much about the song. It definitely sounds like an album track as opposed to something they’d release as a single but it is good, I just really want to hear it within the context of the album on which it is featured. It’s a cool teaser though.



FYI – Theresa May Scares Me


Thought I’d try out something new other than a wee review.

So as you may (LOLOLOLOL) know, Theresa May has recently become Prime Minister of the UK. But you may (hahahaha) not know that this is the same Theresa May who banned Tyler, The Creator from entering the UK for 3-5 years, citing lyrics from his albums Bastard and Goblin as a legitimate reason for this ban. Now that she is the head of government, I’m really concerned that this could become a trend. I’ve not seen any more cases like this recently, however I am expecting them.

I don’t know I just thought I’d maybe tell you this happened in case you didn’t know, maybe get a discussion going. Here’s a guardian article from the time of the ban which might be of some interest to you.

Feel free to tell me your thoughts on the whole thing.



untitledYo! Took a few days off to get my head together but here’s a review right now!!

IV is BADBADNOTGOOD’s fourth album, as the title suggests (or 5th is you include the collaboration with Ghostface Killah). It is very much a jazz album mainly consisting of instrumentals but with a few guest vocalists. For me at the moment the highest point of the record is the song ‘Time Moves Slow’ which features Sam Herring. I really enjoyed this song and Sam Herring’s vocals.

Lavender is also a song that comes to mind because some parts of it remind me of Aphex’s Cheetah EP. Like that record, this one is also best listened in one sitting I think. I’m actually reminded of Flying Lotus’ You’re Dead! by this album, though this one is a lot more subtle and not as outright ridiculous as You’re Dead! But if you enjoyed that album then I would recommend this one. Actually I would just recommend this album to anyone who enjoys and kind of Jazz.

Here’s a track from the album:

Sun Kil Moon – God Bless Ohio: Track Review

This song is really interesting. The guitar work is very similar to the guitar work in John Frusciante’s mid 90s solo albums if they were placed in a totally different context, something I’ve been trying to hear in my head for quite a while. It works really well with the bass and drums. I’m not very experienced when it comes to Sun Kil Moon but I’ve heard a couple of tracks before but this song makes me want to explore further. The lyrics almost seem totally random but they all work and keep me interested in the vocals. It’s funny because this seems like a very minimal amount of tracks were used in this song, yet it sounds so full. It is a very dark sounding too, much like the albums I mentioned, but I don’t think that is down solely to the guitar parts, the entire song has a menacing quality to it. It seems as the song goes on it gets more distressing and it’s incredibly interesting to hear it all unravel

Take a look at the song and tell me what you think in a comment or whatever you’d like.
No youtube video this time, it’s streaming on an official site

Jagwar Ma – O B 1: Track Review

Yo troops!

Tonight I’m gonna talk about the latest release from Australian psych/dance three piece Jagwar Ma.

I managed to see them in London in February when they were supporting Tame Impala. But to be honest I don’t really remember much of that night and I haven’t heard their debut album Howlin’ so I can’t claim to have any real knowledge of their music other than this new track, O B 1.

There is a comment somewhere on the youtube video for this song that partially reads “u guys have hooks falling out of ur arse” which is a pretty dead on analysis of this track because it is a catchy-ass song. Not only that but the production of this track is very well done without compromising the spaciness or general feel of the song. The song itself in my own opinion isn’t particularly amazing and the lyrics can be quite repetitive. However, the track is so well put together and produced that these things don’t really matter much to me.

Have a listen yourself and feel free to call me an arsehole or whatever in the comments.